Lost in Translation

Over the past 30 years, I’ve have daily interactions with business colleagues across the globe and have had the opportunity to travel to many corners of the world. I seem to have one of those faces that can easily blend in and across a lot of places and cultures. The recent addition of the beard has only added to the repertoire. That’s not always a good thing and can lead to misunderstanding. As a typical American, I stubbornly only speak English. You know how it goes, we Americans believe all that’s required to speak a foreign language is to speak English - only slower and louder. That’s only managed to get me in more trouble in a lot of places. My standard reply - when a shop clerk in Tegucigalpa or a waiter in Agadir start chatting in their native tongue - is to say “sorry” and shrug my shoulders. I guess that’s better than some who would instead glare back at the speaker and simply say “English!”. ...